ich habe viel recherchiert, aber kann Alter u. Leistung meines Twin nicht genau bestimmen.
Seriennummer: A605134
"1970-1989 -Most amps do not have a date code stamped on the tube location chart.
These codes are for amps with the serial number beginning with a letter:A6+5-digits - 1976"
(Quelle: http://www.superiormusic.com/page195.htm)
Speakers Nr. 1098648 identifiziere ich als Pyle (ehedem Utah) (Quelle: http://home.provide.net/~cfh/pots.html)
Jetzt wirds spannend:
Mein Fender hat silber-orangenes silverface, auf der Rückseite steht "made in U.S.A."
"Fender Silverface amplifiers were built between 1967 and 1981. They are often referred to as Silverface (or Chromeface) because of their brushed aluminum face plate.
All Silverface models usually came with a sparkling silver/blue grillcloth (some later models had a non-standard sparkling silver/orange grillcloth).
Between 1977-1982 the power was increased to 135 watts. This increase was partly due to the output section being changed to the ultralinear topology, as different power transformer and power supply design resulted in much higher plate voltages. During that period CBS updated the "tailless" Fender amp logo with a new "Made in USA" script placed on the bottom side and replaced the sparkling blue grillcloth with a new silver grey grill with sparkling orange threads." (Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fender_Twin)
Also habe ich einen 76er mit 135W, obwohl den es erst ab 77 gab??? Dafür spräche Farbe des silverface und "made in U.S.A.".
Vielleicht kann mir jemand sagen, woran ich den Unterschied zwischen der 100W- und der 135W-Version augenscheinlich erkenne. Das würde mir sehr helfen!
Danke für jede Hilfe & viele Grüße

tube chart

ich habe viel recherchiert, aber kann Alter u. Leistung meines Twin nicht genau bestimmen.
Seriennummer: A605134
"1970-1989 -Most amps do not have a date code stamped on the tube location chart.
These codes are for amps with the serial number beginning with a letter:A6+5-digits - 1976"
(Quelle: http://www.superiormusic.com/page195.htm)
Speakers Nr. 1098648 identifiziere ich als Pyle (ehedem Utah) (Quelle: http://home.provide.net/~cfh/pots.html)
Jetzt wirds spannend:
Mein Fender hat silber-orangenes silverface, auf der Rückseite steht "made in U.S.A."
"Fender Silverface amplifiers were built between 1967 and 1981. They are often referred to as Silverface (or Chromeface) because of their brushed aluminum face plate.
All Silverface models usually came with a sparkling silver/blue grillcloth (some later models had a non-standard sparkling silver/orange grillcloth).
Between 1977-1982 the power was increased to 135 watts. This increase was partly due to the output section being changed to the ultralinear topology, as different power transformer and power supply design resulted in much higher plate voltages. During that period CBS updated the "tailless" Fender amp logo with a new "Made in USA" script placed on the bottom side and replaced the sparkling blue grillcloth with a new silver grey grill with sparkling orange threads." (Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fender_Twin)
Also habe ich einen 76er mit 135W, obwohl den es erst ab 77 gab??? Dafür spräche Farbe des silverface und "made in U.S.A.".
Vielleicht kann mir jemand sagen, woran ich den Unterschied zwischen der 100W- und der 135W-Version augenscheinlich erkenne. Das würde mir sehr helfen!
Danke für jede Hilfe & viele Grüße

tube chart