Weller Gitarren–Thread

Hallo aus Großbritannien, Ich habe diese Schönheit gerade bei eBay gekauft und mich gefragt, ob sie bei Weller Guitars in Deutschland hergestellt wurde. Es sieht so aus, als ob die Tonabnehmer aufgerüstet wurden. Für jede Hilfe wäre ich sehr dankbar. https://www.ebay.de/itm/Neck-Through-Telecaster-Weller-Rare-Fender-Noiseless-Pickups/113718246027?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 Vielen Dank Jon
weiß jemand? sie ist gestern angekommen und eine echte schönheit wäre gut zu wissen, wo sie gemacht wurde, danke für ihre hilfe
jonrousell schrieb:
weiß jemand? sie ist gestern angekommen und eine echte schönheit wäre gut zu wissen, wo sie gemacht wurde, danke für ihre hilfe

Weller Gitarren kosten (siehe ebay) zwischen 250 und 390 Euro.

Ich habe wahrscheinlich über 100 Gitarren in meinem Leben besessen. Ich kann sagen, dass dieser Weller so gut ist wie einige meiner Custom-Shop-Kotflügel. Stimmt der Spindelstock für einen Weller aus deutscher Produktion?
jonrousell schrieb:
Ich habe wahrscheinlich über 100 Gitarren in meinem Leben besessen. Ich kann sagen, dass dieser Weller so gut ist wie einige meiner Custom-Shop-Kotflügel. Stimmt der Spindelstock für einen Weller aus deutscher Produktion?

Sehr geil :mrgreen:
jonrousell schrieb:
Ich habe wahrscheinlich über 100 Gitarren in meinem Leben besessen. Ich kann sagen, dass dieser Weller so gut ist wie einige meiner Custom-Shop-Kotflügel. Stimmt der Spindelstock für einen Weller aus deutscher Produktion?
Of course. It is a great guitar. I'm sure.
Also: if you have owned over 100 guitars in your life, you suck at making good decisions and/or at buying guitars.

Why don't you ask to see this "factory" (that exists in no photos or any other reports online, a place where suspiciously nobody has ever actually *been*) where they make an enourmous amount of guitars to put in stock (what a business model for such a small "custom shop" - just making things without buyers) in the hope that someone buys them (on ebay, no less) and make them all (by hand, I'm sure) for 1/5 of the price ANYBODY ELSE could possibly manage to make guitars in this country.

No, man.
China, dude.

jonrousell schrieb:
Haben Sie meinen eBay-Link überprüft, um die aktuelle Gitarre anzuzeigen?
If that was you who bought it, you seriously overpaid.

But if you believe - despite it being absolutely, ridiculously implausible - this is an awesome German hand-made guitar, then you made a good deal. Better than any Custom-Shop.
Of course.
Put it in a place of honor next to the other 100 guitars in your life so far.
Danke Groby für deine freundlichen Worte, immer schön, dass meine deutschen Nachbarn so freundlich und hilfsbereit sind. Du bist eine ziemlich unhöfliche Person, egal, ich bin mir sicher, dass es nette Leute in Deutschland gibt, die helfen werden. Der Grund, warum ich gefragt habe, ob der Spindelstock mit Ihrem deutschen Hersteller verwandt ist, ist einfach. Ich wollte nur wissen, wo diese beatuful Gitarre geboren wurde. Diese Gitarre ist einfach göttlich und der Preis, der für ein so feines Instrument gezahlt wurde, war erstaunlich niedrig. Jeder hat ein Recht auf seine Meinung, aber man müsste völlig dumm sein zu sagen, dass diese Gitarre weniger oder vielleicht eifersüchtig war, obwohl es dumm scheint Mein bevorzugtes Denken! Ich persönlich glaube nicht, dass diese Gitarre von Weller in Deutschland stammt, basierend auf dem, was Groby so nett gesagt hat, und ja, ich habe über 100 Gitarren in meinem Leben besessen, aber nicht sofort, ich habe derzeit ungefähr 15 in meiner Sammlung, alle sehr unterschiedlich und in verschiedener Hinsicht großartig, einige sehr teuer und andere nicht. Kann jemand anderes (mit einem Gehirn) bestätigen, ob das Spindelstock-Logo von Ihrem deutschen Hersteller Weller stammt, da ich anfange zu glauben, dass dies nicht der Fall ist und irgendwo anders auf der Welt geboren wurde. Ich schätze deine Hilfe, meine Freunde (nicht Groby)
Half of what you wrote is unintelligible because you google-translated it. It reads like those famous Japanese instruction manual translations from the 80s.

Just write English. Germans understand English.

You appear to be asking if this is a Weller guitar.

A quick search on the internet would have told you that there are many Weller guitars with the same exact Logo. It will also tell youu that there are two companies called "Weller" guitars. One of them American and actually hand-made guitars, the other (yours) is basically only a logistics hub for Asian-made mass-produced guitars. You can find (from the latter) the same guitars on Aliexpress.
In fact you can see guitars which are structurally suspiciously identical (look that the weirdly *exact* same neck stripe/wood pattern) by "Spear guitars", "Raven West", "Collins" and "Swing".

That is not even 5 minutes of research.

All of them go for 250-350 Euro new.

Congratulations on a guitar you like very much.

But you overpaid and it's not a German guitar by any stretch of the imagination.
In English, Groby you are rude and not very helpful. I cannot find this headstock logo anywhere else, please prove to me that this guitar is such an inferior guitar especially as I have actually touched it and played it, i don't believe it's a cheap guitar. Provide me with a link to one of these easy to find guitars you have found that has the same headstock logo? If it is as you say cheap and cheerful excuse for a guitar, i will be buying 100s or these guitars, and selling them to the UK market as they are fantastic value and amazing craftsmanship.

Please prove you are right and I will have to agree, otherwise let someone who knows what they are talking about step in and actually be helpful, thank you
jonrousell schrieb:
In English, Groby you are rude and not very helpful. I cannot find this headstock logo anywhere else, please prove to me that this guitar is such an inferior guitar especially as I have actually touched it and played it, i don't believe it's a cheap guitar. Provide me with a link to one of these easy to find guitars you have found that has the same headstock logo?


200 Euros. Bottom left headstock.

Quote entry: "for such a small price" (reverse check finds out: 250 Euros)

379 Euro for this thing:

Same guitar, different label, notice the SAME EXACT wood/stripe pattern and SAME EXACT neck point:
Raven West

Here's a Raven West sold for 252 Euro.

Swing guitars (lower picture)

Here's a Mania guitar, fucking exact same thing.

They sell new for (translated) 379Euro:

Here's a Collins for 260GBP, same damn neck and cutway. Or maybe it's a Mania. Or a Spear. Could you know the difference without the label?

Quick! Name THIS guitar! A Weller? A Mania, A Raven West? A Collins? It is the exact same as your Weller. Coincidence?
(Solution: A Raven West for 252Euro)

I apologize if I don't invest more time than this to prove a point easily made with a working internet connection.

If it is as you say cheap and cheerful excuse for a guitar, i will be buying 100s or these guitars, and selling them to the UK market.
You should do that. But don't choose the names Mania, Swing, Spear, Raven West or Weller because under these monikers those guitars have already been for sale in the UK.
To cut a long story short:

There are no (and have never been) Weller Guitars made in Germany. All of them are made in China.
A local vendor has tried to sell them with small modifications (in your case probably the PUs), so you might maybe use the term "modified in Germany". If you are happy with your purchase - congrats.

What else do you want to know?
Groby thank you, i appreciate your help in locating this information, especially the headstock photo as this 100% proves what you say is true.

To be honest the quality and feel on this guitar is outstanding for the cost and with the fender noisless pickups it sounds amazing through my amp.

I have now emailed the seller to inform them their listing is misleading and see what happens.

Thanks Groby for your help your obviously not that bad after all ?
jonrousell schrieb:
your obviously not that bad after all ?

No, I actually am a bastard. So that assumption was spot-on, first try.

I also have this theory that the value of a guitar lies in its use to the owner, not in its retail price.

Any price you could afford for a guitar you really like is money well spend.
Hi Powerslave

To be honest Groby has helped enough, just wanted to know more information.

Thanks for your information too, you guys have helped.

When I do searches in the UK Google doesn't show me all the examples Groby showed, so I'm happy I know more about Weller Guitars now.

To be honest the weller guitar I have I may keep depending on the ebay seller, she's really nice but I won't pay more than she's worth.

If I return the guitar to the seller, i maybe tempted to buy new and upgrade, will see...

Best regards

powerslave schrieb:
To cut a long story short:

There are no (and have never been) Weller Guitars made in Germany. All of them are made in China.
A local vendor has tried to sell them with small modifications (in your case probably the PUs), so you might maybe use the term "modified in Germany". If you are happy with your purchase - congrats.

What else do you want to know?

Stimmt so nicht. Es gibt Gitarren von einem Gitarrenbauer namens Armin Weller, die wohl einen sehr guten Ruf geniessen!
Die haben aber nichts mit diesen Billig-Heimern zu tun!
Hier eine OM Steelstring
oder hier eine Klassik
jonrousell schrieb:
Groby thank you, i appreciate your help in locating this information, especially the headstock photo as this 100% proves what you say is true.

To be honest the quality and feel on this guitar is outstanding for the cost and with the fender noisless pickups it sounds amazing through my amp.

I have now emailed the seller to inform them their listing is misleading and see what happens.

Thanks Groby for your help your obviously not that bad after all ?

Jon, if you read through this thread we have quite a history of people allegedly buying Weller guitars and making the bargain of their lifetime.
We have seen a lot of aggressive covert marketing for Weller.
Your initial posts fit in very well with this scheme.


All the best,
Habe ich mich im Forum geirrt?
Ist doch noch das deutsche guitar world.de?
... und ich muss auch mal sagen, lieber Banger, das ist einfach so toll, dass du dieses Thema nie geschlossen/die Antwortfunktion deaktiviert hast. Und wenn man schon denkt, jetzt passiert endgültig nichts mehr, dann passiert plötzlich doch wieder was. Manchmal nur was klitzekleines, aber egal: irgendwas. Und man lernt: Wiederholungen des Immergleichen können ihre ganz eigene Schönheit entfalten. Und man lernt auch, dass Sinn oder so was ähnliches insgesamt total überschätzt wird.

Möge die Weller nie brechen!


M. (J.)
Da gabs mal diesen Hit:

Das ist die perfekte Weller,
Das ist der perfekte Tag ...


Beliebte Themen

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